Thursday, March 26, 2009

What in the world is it?

Is this not awesome looking? Can you tell us what it is? This has become one of our favorite new toys in the last few weeks! The first person to correctly identify this object will receive a special gift from Flirt! We can't wait to hear what you think!

Remember, we'll need to know who you are so we can contact you if you guess correctly. So if you comment annoymously, please leave a wesbite or email address for us. Thanks and good luck!


Emily said...

I'm thinking that this is some sort of dentist tool?

Meg Brothers said...

something you use to make ruffles or pleats while sewing?? i'm dying to know.

flirtbrooklyn said...

Ahhhhh,, you are a winner!!!! We will be contacting you regarding your prize via email soon!!