Saturday, April 4, 2009

Patternmaking 101 with Cal Patch!

What is your favorite thing in your wardrobe? Mine is this one tshirt that if I could I would wear every day of my life. It fits me perfectly, I love the neckline, the length is perfect. And I only have one. What am I going to do when it wears out, or gets a stain, or (gasp) doesn't fit me anymore? Wouldn't it be amazing to be able to make that tshirt again and again?

Patternmaking 101
Make your own Tshirt Pattern!

In this 2.5 hour introductory workshop you will learn to draft a tshirt pattern that fits YOUR body! This pattern can become the basis for all sorts of tshirt styles to augment your wardrobe!

You will love Cal Patch! She's an amazing teacher! And the class is only $50 so why even hesitate?
Sign up today!

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